An L.A. Goodman Update

Hello, starlights! Now that I’m on the other side of my busiest time of year, I’m able to get back to something resembling a routine. Those who know me understand my love of a good routine. Compartmentalization and order are my jam. Recently, I’ve started this inside joke with my friends where, in the middle of a situation, I proclaim ‘I choose chaos’, and they all look at me and smirk, because…I’m me and they know me well.

This Summer, so far, has been somewhat chaotic, however. I’m thankful to have been a safe space for some friends who experienced tragedy. Our air conditioning went out in the middle of the Texas Summertime. Mal, my Shih-Tzu, had to have surgery (again) on his other back leg and required months of confinement and therapy so it would heal properly. As things stand now, my friends are good, we have new air conditioning, and Mal is now the bionic dog, having returned to running top speed from one end of the house to the other.

I’ve learned quite a bit about myself over the past several months. As someone who tries to control everything in my general vicinity, I’ve learned to recognize what’s out of my control, and not let those pieces of life get me down. I’ve learned to focus on what I can control and let that be the driving force both within and without. I’ve learned to roll with the punches, something I’ve never excelled at before. I’ve learned to focus through the chaos.

My writing, while slow at the beginning of Summer due to life’s happenings, recovered quickly. Book five of the Ash Bennett series is almost complete. Book three is in the final editing stages for publication later this year. Book four edits are about to begin. Ash’s tale will be coming to an end in book six or seven (I haven’t decided yet), and that makes me kind of sad but, also proud. I’m nearing the end of writing a complete series, and it’s still, to this day, a dream come true!

Speaking of the Ash Bennett series, have you seen the cover and title reveal for book three? I’m so pleased with it and, more than that, excited to get Lineage out into the ether for you to continue Ash and friend’s journey! Don’t worry, Gandalf remains a badass.

Outside of Ash’s world, I’ve started a standalone novel as a side project. New characters, new situations, and a new world to play in, it’s exciting! The entire vibe of the new novel feels completely different from Ash’s books and, I’m anxious to see it, and the characters and story within, progress.

So, this is the update on most things L.A. (I have to keep a few surprises under my belt) I’m ready to get back into blogging regularly, explore some of my new projects and complete works in progress, and learn new ways to integrate with the magic of the universe around me.

Love and light!

L.A. Goodman

PS: If you’ve read and enjoyed Old Souls or The Nothing Place, the first two books in the Ash Bennett series, please consider leaving a review on Amazon. Each review helps. Thank you!

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4 thoughts on “An L.A. Goodman Update

  1. Excellent update on what has been happening. Beautiful cover for Lineage and looking forward to it being released.


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