Blog the fourth; patience grasshopper

I did it! I met my writing goal and my first complete book is out of my hands and in the hands of trusted editors. I know there’s probably a lot that that’ll get back to me that needs changing but that’s okay. I did the thing that I spent years telling myself I couldn’t do. This is one huge step toward achieving a dream I’ve had for such a long time. A bunch of tiny baby steps got me to this one huge step. I can’t believe it. Also, I can believe it.

Now comes the waiting game. Patience isn’t my strong suit, which probably means that it’s a good thing that I’m getting some practice in it right now. I want my initial editors to go through my book post haste! Immediately! Right the eff now! I laugh at myself because I wasted years not following this path and now that I have I want to hurry up. I have to make myself chill out and take a breath and redirect all the motivation I have toward something else.

So what am I doing while exercising a patience I usually lack? I’ve started another book.

I’m trying to keep this train moving but it’s not easy. Now that my first book is out of my hands I’m back to questioning myself again. I have to keep reminding myself that I can do this. I can follow this dream. Someone out there, once all is said and done, is going to enjoy the story I dreamed up. I’m a freaking unicorn!

The mind is a crazy thing. It can build you up and tear you down if you allow it. Self-doubt is right up there with patience in the land of things I need to master. I’m a work in progress, y’all!

I’m gonna finish with pics of my writing partners who always think I’m awesome even when I question myself.

Regulus the Great Dane and Ozzy the Shih-tzu. We lost Ozzy this past winter after his being a part of our family for over 15 years. It broke my heart. Regulus stepped up his game after that and sat with me through thick and thin while I finished the home stretch of book #1. They’ve been the best moral support anyone could want. I really lucked out with Ozzy. (I might be getting another Shih-tzu in the next few months.) (I hope.) And with Regulus, I’m pretty darn lucky to be his person.

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