Blog the sixth; i tried to be patient but it took too long

I have always been up front in admitting that I have mild OCD. I don’t go to the extreme in needing everything to be absolutely perfect to the point of turning all the cans in the pantry the right direction but I do have several OCD tendencies and quirks. In my house everything has its place and I like for things to be in that place. Clutter drives me crazy and I will quickly throw things out without a second thought if I think clutter is forming. I organize at least once a month, closets and drawers and books, etc.

See? Mild OCD. Very easy to live with for myself and my husband loves me in spite of it.

Have I mentioned that the husband and I are planning to move by the end of Summer? Well, we are and there are a few things we want to do to our current house to make it more appealing to buyers. So far nothing has been too intrusive, just small nit-picky stuff. However, recently we’ve started freshly painting the walls. Furniture is moved to other rooms. Knickknacks are scattered about. Photos and artwork is removed from the walls and stacked in a corner. All of these things need to happen as we go room to room painting.

So imagine, if you will, the way my mild OCD has flared up into something ridiculously overblown than its normal easy to live with self with our life scattered all over the house out of place. At first it was annoying and I continually had to force myself to look at the bigger picture of moving closer to people we love and who love us. Now, at this point, it has reached the comical stage where I just twitch at everything out of place and laugh at my own brand of crazy.

OCD is a strange thing. In the great grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter that the PoP! figurines aren’t displayed on the shelf where they belong, that the photos aren’t on the walls or that the furniture is in the wrong room or sitting right in the middle of a room away from the walls. I logically know that these things are unimportant. And yet…

I’ve been ousted from the office where I write for two weeks now and I haven’t gotten a thing done because I’m dwelling on the facts that everything is so out of place. Once again, I force myself to look at the bigger picture, that all of this is leading us toward where we want to be in life and for a time all is well again. Then I notice and dwell on something else that’s askew. Rinse and repeat. The pendulum swings and the cycle continues and holy crap I can’t stop it.

Since I’m a positive glass is half full kind of person, let me list the good things here. The bigger picture. The bigger picture. The bigger picture. The light at the end of the tunnel. The patience my husband has for this quirk of mine. The lessons in patience that I really and truly need. Did I mention the bigger picture?

I’m so very ready for this move to happen. I’m excited about it in spite of the wreck of my home right now.

And now I think I’ll go clean something just to make myself feel better. #WorkInProgress

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