Writer of Words

Guess what, guys? I just finished my second novel! That’s right, the gal who talked herself out of writing anything for YEARS, and then out of completing any manuscript she started, just wrote an ending to a second book. It feels really good. The book is trash and requires copious amounts of editing before it can be seen by anyone, but it has a beginning, a middle and an ending with lots and lots of characters and plot. It’s trash, but it’s very book-like and someday soon it won’t be so trashy.

It’s exciting, y’all. It’s really exciting. I already have an idea of where I’m going in book three of this series. But first, editing editing editing editing and also more editing of book two.

Here’s my dilemma: for as much as I’ve queried, I’ve had lots of agents compliment the first book, but not a one of them feels as if they’re right to represent it. I’ve had so many doors shut in my face that I quit querying in the Fall of last year and reworked the whole intro to book one.

I’ve said it before, but querying is somewhat of a masochistic endeavor. You take this creative work that you’ve poured (in my case) years upon years of yourself into and then get a no and another no and no, no, no, door after door shut in your face. I needed a break and to remind myself that I really do love what I’ve created. So I spent Winter and into the beginning of 2020 re-reading and re-working book one.

At the end of last month I finally started sending queries out again. Yay? I received two more shut doors just last week. Not so yay.

So, I’m considering self-publishing, which is scary cause I’ll have to do so much research and do everything myself. I’m just really ready to get my work out into the world and I think it’s ready. Now that book two is so very book-like, I’m doubly ready to get my little fantasy world out there.

One step at a time, right?

I guess right now I need to focus on the fact that I’m accomplishing things that I’ve told myself were impossible for years upon years upon years. I have a completed manuscript that I’m very proud of and now I have a second completed manuscript that’s extremely book-like. I’m writing a little bit every day and this is exactly what I’ve wanted to do for years.

So here’s the game plan: I’ll query a bit more to see if anything miraculous happens. In the meantime, I’m gonna start researching self-publishing just so I know what needs to be done if I eventually take that route.

All of this will be done in between editing, of course. Because guess what? I just wrote an ending to my second book!! Not gonna lie, I kind of feel like Wonder Woman right now and this feeling defeats any and every shut door.

Current TV obsession: Kim’s Convenience on Netflix
Currently reading: Not if I Save You First by Ally Carter

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