It’s Happening

I can’t believe we’re already almost halfway through May. Time marches on at a slow, steady, pedal to the metal pace. Yep, you read that right. Sometimes it seems to creep along and then others it feels as if it’s moving at lightning speed. Sometimes I worry that time is going to run out. It’s a deeply irrational fear that can make my anxiety go sky high. I can’t help but think about it though, about the things I still want to accomplish and haven’t yet.

With the world at large becoming an increasingly chaotic place, I’ve decided to take control of the things I can. That’s right, a BIG decision has been made.

I’m choosing to self-publish my book!

For a long time I’ve been waffling with the idea, oscillating back and forth between traditional and self publishing. Over time I’ve realized I was putting off the decision to self-publish out of fear… just like I didn’t even allow myself to think I could write out of fear. I’m tired of being afraid. I’m so #OverIt that I hired an editor.


Yesterday morning I passed my first completed manuscript over to said editor. It was like sending my dogs (who are like my kids) off on a playdate with someone else, knowing they’re gonna teach them new tricks, knowing they might be a little different when they come back before they settle in. It’s okay. It’s terrifying, but it’s okay.

The decision was made. (finally)

It’s happening. (finally)

Fear and self-doubt sucks but I’m doing it anyway and maybe that is the most empowering thing of all. I’m suddenly my own boss and that feels good. I’m driving the ship. I’m not waiting on anyone else to tell me I can drive the ship. I’m doing it and it feels so good! I’m my own boss, or as my closest friend says: ‘You’re a #BossBitch!’ Why yes, my friend, yes, I am.

So, with my first manuscript off at a play date and with a full mug of coffee, I will spend today editing my second completed manuscript. That’s right. I finished my second book last week. I’ve written two books and it’s exciting, y’all!

My boss says I should get to it.

By the way, it’s me. I’m the boss.

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