I was chillin’, y’all!

Yesterday I got to spend the day with my best friend for the first time in awhile, just her and I for hours, until our husbands joined us later in the day. We’ve all been working from home for months now so it was a safe environment at her house. We lounged in the sun in her pool for hours and day-drank yummy drinks and chit chatted about every topic under the sun. Then later our husbands brought food and spent time with us too.

What a lovely day it was! Perfection, really.

It’s been a long while since it was just her and me. Usually there’s other people around and that’s not a bad thing. We both love those other people just as much as we love each other. There’s something to be said for the simplicity of one-on-one time with someone you trust explicitly, someone who isn’t related by blood or marriage and knows all of your flaws but chooses to love and embrace you anyway. That’s my best friend and I’m so lucky to have her. I can only hope that I’m as good a friend to her as she is to me.

Sometimes everything is so horrible in the world that I forget to look around at the circle of people that are mine, that I’ve chosen to trust and love in spite of their flaws. I forget to look at my own house and the life my husband and I have built. I forget to count my blessings and remember how lucky I am to be where I am and with the people I’m with.

I’m reminded of that Alice Morse Earl quote: “Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.”

Instead of getting bogged down by the state of the world, and also without sticking my head in the sand and pretending that everything is fine, I’m gonna try to remember to find good things, however small and however simple, to notice in the day-to-day.

I’m lucky. I’m thankful. I’m grateful. All of these things in so many aspects of my life. It only took the simplicity of a day with my best friend in the sun to remind me of that.

Here’s me yesterday with no makeup, no product in my hair, just content as can be. I was chillin’, y’all!


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