The space between Lineage and No More Lies

Hello, firelights!

With book four of the Ash Bennett series set to launch in a month, I thought we could chat about where Ash is by book three’s end. What a wild ride he’s had so far! From the calm of a ranch in the middle of nowhere west Texas to the fantastical new world of Th’rann. Lineage showed us where Ash came from, the world he could have, and probably should have, grown up in. Th’rann, with all its beauty, personal freedoms, and technological advancements, still manages to have its own problems.

Meeting Kraetos D’narian could have gone in so many directions. And if you’ve read Lineage, you know exactly how it went. Father of the year, right?

At the beginning of Lineage, Ash is in a low place after facing Paul’s rejection. He remains in that darkness for much of the book. Over time, his sadness and hurt slowly morphed into frustration and anger at the roadblock of silence from his dad. Still, he accomplished amazing things with Lily that eventually reopened a door between them. We’re left with hope, right when Kraetos lowers the veil of semi-respectability and shows his true colors.

Oh, the drama of it all! And there’s more drama to come before Ash and friends can begin to right the ship. There are plenty of problems to fix in the next three books until the series reaches its conclusion. Don’t worry, Ash has to-do lists, in the plural, as he does.

He also has Bennett stubbornness and an excellent troupe of friends to get him through. Each of them has their own path to travel, both apart and alongside Ash.

I am so excited to get book four out of my hands and into yours. I’m biting my tongue to keep from giving away any spoilers before you’ve had time to read it. The seismic vibrations about book four of this series are spectacular over here.

Well, I guess I can offer ONE spoiler: as always, Gandalf remains a badass. But everyone knows that.

Love and light!

L.A. Goodman

PS: If you’ve read and enjoyed Old Souls, The Nothing Place, or Lineage, please consider leaving a review for each of them on Amazon and/or Goodreads. Each review helps. Thank you!

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